Saturday, January 9, 2016


After a night of babying my foot and my ankle, I was feeling much better today... That liquid bandage stuff really works well, which is good, because it sure does sting!  And my ankle didn't hurt as much when I was able to walk on it correctly.  I put on tennis shoes today to walk, and we started out with a spin around the park to test things out.  The foot and the ankle felt okay, so we set off for the beach.

We keep seeing these critters along the beach... I'm not sure what they are.  Is it a type of horseshoe crab?  The pictures I can find of horseshoe crabs aren't so spiky.
We see a lot of them upside down and empty, too.
Nice bright, clear sky tonight day.  The last few mornings have been a little hazy.

It was a good shelling day, probably because of the storms last night.
I may have to do some editing of my collection... Or just go get another container!

We'll see if we have time for an afternoon walk today... Have to be back in time to watch the Chiefs!

Got in a short afternoon walk around the park with Budger before the game.  The ankle and the foot are doing okay... Hopefully 100% in a few days. 


Go Chiefs!

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