Friday, September 16, 2016

Tombstone (AZ) RV Park

We are at the Tombstone RV park for the next month, soaking up the sunshine.  We went back up several thousand feet in elevation, so looking forward to cooler temps.  You know you're pretty far south, though, when you pass a border patrol checkpoint.  

Tombstone got its name from a nearby silver mine, discovered by Ed Schieffelin in 1877.  When he was first searching the area for ore, his friends told him the only thing he was going to find out there was his own tombstone.  So when he filed his first mining claim, he used the name Tombstone.

The nearby town that sprang up used the same name.  Within 2 years of founding, the town had a bowling alley, four churches, an ice house, a school, two banks, three newspapers, an ice cream parlor.... along with 14 gambling halls, 110 saloons, and many dance halls and brothels.

This is the location of the infamous "Gunfight at the OK Corral", which they do a daily re-creation of.

The RV park really embraces its name.
Our site marker.
There we are!  The park sits in a little valley, surrounded by hills.
The pool area

We headed into town just to get an idea of the layout.
The Main Street is really cool.
Wooden sidewalks!
Cute benches along the sidewalk.
The old courthouse, still in use.
Wyatt's Hotel and coffee shop!
We also popped into the newspaper office/museum.  The newspaper was called "The Epitaph".
We're looking forward to exploring some of the many old ghost towns in the area, and other places of the old west.

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