Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A Blissfully Quiet, Boring Day

Today we had no dialysis, no doctor appointments, nothing to do but whatever we felt like.  So nice!

We took a couple of walks, totaling a mile, and I felt the strongest I have in quite awhile, and didn't need to stop and rest... Although I always have to stop when we pass the corrals to talk to and pet the horse.  We also just sat outside for awhile and enjoyed the warm temps while Brad played the guitar.

I put a pot roast in the crock pot this morning, and with some veggies thrown in, it made a really yummy dinner.

We're just settled in to listen to the first World Series game now.  I've done a lot of long hard thinking about who I'm pulling for, and I've decided I have to pull for the Cubbies.  I know everyone has been on pins and needles about that.

The rest of the week gets busy with 2 doctor appointments and 3 dialysis sessions, so today was a very welcome respite.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts and prayers for continued heeling, Janine.
