Well, to say the last month or so has been a whirlwind would be an understatement! We know more medical terminology, more medical procedures, more prescription meds, more about hard work and exhaustion, than we ever thought we'd need to.
We've seen the good in people, the best in medical care, some beautiful weather, and have researched the best diet for me, and one that Brad can handle too. At this point in time, our original plans would have us hanging out in West Texas before heading to Kansas for Thanksgiving, and then booking it south for a winter along the Gulf. Funny how life gets in the way of plans.
We had decided we'd just ride out the winter here in southern Arizona, where the air is clear and warm, and we are happy and comfortable with my medical care. And then we had a catylist that got us looking in another direction... The Tulsa, Oklahoma, area. The original reason we started looking there is not even important, because we realized it is pretty perfect for us. It is about 6 hours from both Jordan and Abby in Garden City, Kansas, and Seth and Brittanee in Memphis, about 9 from Sean and Kara in North Alabama, and just a few hours from my family in Kansas City. Not to mention a lot of my extended family lives in the area. There are wonderful kidney facilities in Tulsa, and several of the smaller surrounding towns have dialysis clinics.
We've been researching houses online, because at this point we really feel we need to settle down somewhere and get a handle on things, we need a bit more space for us all (Budger and Bo included) to spread out so the inside air I'm breathing is a little clearer, and Brad is needing some space to spread out his new electronics/music hobbies and not have to pick everything up again every day, since we aren't able to get out and about as much as we had been doing.
We finally decided that since our current house is on wheels, and we can take it wherever we want, that we should just go ahead and pick up and move to the Tulsa area and be able to look for a house ourselves. And since we're heading to Garden City and Kansas City for Thanksgiving anyway, we thought that would be the time to do it, instead of going that far "east", and then coming back here again. I also have to plan for dialysis treatments pretty far in advance when traveling, and just staying in that area after Thanksgiving seemed the easiest thing to do.
So... that's the direction we're heading. We want to get settled and simplified. This is not what was in the plans. We had planned on traveling for about 5 years before looking for a place to settle down. But we're going to make the most of this new curve that has been thrown our way. I don't regret one single moment of the year we spent on the road. We've met some of the best people, and have seen some of the most amazing sights. I'm so glad we set out when we did, and were able to travel for a whole year. Maybe doing a little traveling once we get used to this new life is in the cards... there are still a couple of big things we didn't get to yet that I'd still like to see. But we've learned to roll with the punches, and make the most of what's thrown at us.
So, that's what these crazy Bachelors are up to now. The last state we actually lived in was where Brad's childhood roots are. Now we're returning to mine. O K L A H O M A... Oklahoma... okay!
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