Monday, October 10, 2016

Still Hanging in There

Well, I sure never thought our travel blog would turn into health updates, but I guess that's what we've got going on now, so that's what you get.

I didn't get to go home today.  Some numbers, like sodium and phosphorus, were either in the good range, or moving that way.  But I'm a bit anemic now, so they want to get that under control before they cut me loose.  I had another dialysis today, and Jordan and Abby have been here since yesterday afternoon, so that's been fun.  They've been able to get a first-hand view of what's going on, and they've been a great distraction.

Brad and Jordan and I went outside for a walk... boy, that sure felt good to feel some sunshine on me!  Brad and I also took a couple of laps around the hallways later, and we got to Skype with Jackson, and he showed me the get well sign he painted for me.

Everyone here is so awesome, very caring, very knowledgeable, as gentle as possible when drawing blood or giving shots, which happens several times a day.  The worst is the blood thinner shot I have to get in my stomach twice a day... Yeeee-ouch!!!!!!

I thought I'd share a picture of my lovely neck ornament where I'm hooked up to the dialysis.  If this is going to continue for awhile, I'll get a different port put in a little farther down my chest.
Also the vampire machine, that takes all my blood and siphons out the bad stuff and returns clean blood to me.

Once again, one day at a time.  We'll know tomorrow if I can go home, or if I'm imprisoned for another night.

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