Tuesday, August 11, 2015

T minus 51 days

We are still slowly moving household things into the 5th wheel... clothes, dishes, food... We had a pretty difficult sidetrack a couple of nights ago.  My old Schnauzer mix "puppy" Hank... He's 15 years old... ran under the truck when Brad was pulling in Sunday night, and got his back legs run over.  I thought he was a goner, but we got an emergency call in to the vet, had X-rays done, and he didn't have any broken bones or displacements or internal injuries... Just a very swollen back left leg, and a lot of pain.  Getting out of and into the 5th wheel is a problem, but over the last 2 days he has been trying the steps, and can get up and down once or twice a day, before he decides it's too difficult.  It was a close call, but I don't think he's ready to give up yet!

Once we got past that, we continued with getting settled in the RV.  We've tried out the washer/dryer (well, Brad has!).

I added some squishy shelf liner to the shelves where the dishes go, and we've started putting things away where they belong.

Still a lot to go, but we still have a lot of time, right??  Bo, in the meantime, is still doing a lot of exploring... even to the big bad outdoor world, when Brad didn't latch the door properly while I was gone golfing this morning.  Luckily, Brad spotted Bo through the window, and got Curious Kitty back inside!  I prefer Bo exploring the inside, like the space under the fireplace.

Brad got the most important thing installed tonight... The coffee maker!!  We went with an under-the-cabinet model to keep the counter top free.  We've been making coffee in the house and bringing it out to the RV the last few days, so it will be nice to be able to make coffee first thing tomorrow morning!!


  1. I can certainly sympathize with Hank about only going up and down the steps once or twice a day!

  2. Yeah, he looks at me later in the day like, "Really? You want me to do that again??" He gets a free ride in my arms whenever he wants.

  3. I'd love one of those under cabinet coffee makers in my home too! Brilliant!

    1. It's pretty cool. Brad found a used one off of eBay or somewhere, so we could try it out and see how we liked it, because the new ones can be pretty pricy... I think it's a winner, so when this one kicks the bucket, we'll spring for a new one.
