Thursday, September 22, 2016

Big Nose Kate's

"Big Nose Kate", whose real name was Mary Katherine Horony, was originally from Hungary.  She moved with her family to the US when she was 10, settling in Davenport, Iowa.  After her parents died, at 15, she ran away to St Louis.  She worked as a prostitute there, and later in Dodge City, Kansas, working for James Earp's wife.  Later, in Texas, she met Doc Holliday, and introduced him to Wyatt Earp.  Eventually, the Earp brothers, Holliday, and Kate all ended up in Tombstone.  Different sources call Kate Doc's wife, common-law wife, or long-time girlfriend.  Later in life, after Doc Holliday died, she did marry another man, and ran a bakery and worked in a hotel.

The current restaurant called Big Nose Kate's used to be the Grand Hotel.  The bar is original to the hotel, although it used to be in the basement.  

So this bar is the same one where Doc Holliday and Wyatt Earp rested their elbows.
Beautiful stained glass all over.
My margarita.  After I ordered this, I saw they have "Kate's Ultimate Bloody Mary", so we're going to have to come back again so I can try that.
Brad's beer.
We started to look over the menu, but then the bartender told us they had especially good reuben sandwiches and a brisket dinner that night, so we decided to try those.  This was some of the best brisket I've had!  Onion rings were super good too!

I took the pics after we had started eating, because we had gotten to talking to a couple of women who sat next to us.  They had just come in for a drink before going on one of the ghost tours, and the younger one was carded, and all she had was her driver's license from Great Britain.  The bartender said they could only take US or Canadian driver's licenses, otherwise they had to see a passport, which I thought was interesting, considering we're about 20 miles from the Mexican border.  The gal hadn't brought her passport with her, so she settled for a sarsaparilla.  The older woman said she had lived in Tombstone for 20 years, but she still had a very heavy British accent... I had to ask her to repeat something several times.
Yesterday morning we went into the "big town" of Sierra Vista to do some grocery shopping.  On the way, we saw this "UFO" flying above the town.  Can you see the white dot, just left of center?
So I googled "large object in the sky over Sierra Vista" and found this picture.  Yep, this is definitely what it was.  It's been up there for 30 years, and it's a radar balloon known as the Aerostat, though the locals call it "Eye in the Sky".  It monitors illegal aircraft for US Customs and Border Protection, mostly looking for planes with illegal drugs.

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