Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Random pics from around the park

I've been trying to capture everything from around the RV park this week before we leave.  Lots we are going to miss!!

There is a corral where a couple of people keep their animals.  

This is Butthead, so-called by Brad, because every time I walk up to the fence, she turns her butt on me.
Butthead being a butthead.
Pony and Donkey always come over for a pat on the nose.
Donkey is VERY friendly!
Cow is kind of aloof.
Nap time.
One last walk to the railroad bridge.
The moon looked pretty over the registration office the other night.
The sky is on fire!!
When I first took this picture, I thought it looked like a cowboy was riding up on the crest, driving his lost little calf back home.
We stopped off in town yesterday to pick up a few souvenirs, and decided to eat at Big Nose Kate's.  The basement was open to the gift shop and secret tunnel, so we went to check things out.

This is the room where the building caretaker lived, back in the 1800's.
This hole is where the caretaker was suspected of slipping out some silver and stashing it for himself.  The silver was never found, but one night the caretaker "mysteriously" disappeared, and his ghost has been seen haunting the building ever since.
We decided we should stop off and see Schieffelin's Monument before we left Tombstone.  Ed Schieffelin is the man who first discovered silver in the Tombstone area, and he named the town Tombstone because he had been told that the only thing he'd be digging in this area was his own grave.
Today was my last day of dialysis in Sierra Vista.  After I'd said my goodbyes to all the people who've taken care of me there, I stopped off at the social worker's office to say a quick goodbye.  She had a box of these stones on her desk, and asked me to pick out one.  Way back, these stones were thought to cure kidney ills, so she always hands one out to departing patients.  It's got a place of honor with all my shells now.

Gotta admit, I got choked up leaving today.  I hope I find such good people in Oklahoma.
And to commemorate our last day in the desert, we decided to finish up the last of the fish that Brad and his buddies caught way back in March in the Gulf.  We've had these few pieces saved in the freezer since then.
Last Arizona sunset.  It was a beauty!

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