Friday, July 22, 2016


Wednesday was guys' golf league, as usual.  All the gals decided we weren't cooking that night, so 10 of us got together to go eat at the Stone Bar.  It was the first time I'd been able to go since it reopened.  Well worth the wait... Yummy pizza, and they made me this cute drink.  It had kind of a watermelon taste... Great for a hot day!
Thursday I finally had to admit that my ear infection had not completely cleared up, so I called the doctor's office, and they called me in a new, stronger prescription.  I pretty much just laid around being puny yesterday, after picking up the meds, and I am already feeling better today, so maybe this will do it.

Today Steve, Mary Jane, Brad, and I went kayaking on the Thunder Bay River.  It was a gorgeous day, completely blue cloudless skies, and 90 degrees.  The water was pretty shallow, but we didn't have to get out and drag our kayaks at all, so not bad.
Pretty water lilies!  We also had a couple of deer cross the river right in front of us, and watched lots of birds.  A blue heron kept flying up and landing 50 yards or so in front of us, then would take off when we got close again.  Lots of fish and a giant turtle in the water, and a couple of mystery animals making noise in the tall grass beside the river.

We were pretty beat after spending all afternoon out on the river.  I thought the hot weather called for cooking outside.  Brad serenaded me while I cooked pork steaks on the grill.
A couple of the pork steaks... We had already scarfed down two!
Just hanging out here, listening to ballgames tonight.  We have some neighbors, the first in awhile, staying in the cabin a few sites down from us.  I think they were here before.  They leave early each morning with their boat, and come back each evening.  We hardly notice they're there.  I don't know if they rent the cabin, or if they own it and moved it here, but we haven't seen anyone else staying there.

Three more nights here for us, and then we start heading west.

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