Thursday, October 27, 2016

But I Wanted a Scooby Doo Bandaid!

Today seemed a little more hectic than it should have been, but that may be because it started at 4:30 a.m.  That's what time I needed to get up, make myself presentable, and have breakfast before driving the 20 minutes to dialysis, starting at 6:00.  They were all ready for me, and we got started right on time.

When I first started dialysis at the clinic, it was kind of a novelty to have my own tv and watch whatever I wanted.  I marathoned on HGTV for a few days, but even that can get old, especially if it's Love It or List It day, which I've found out isn't nearly as annoying if you just don't use the headphones!

Then my mother-in-law sent me supplies to Zentangle.  Google it if you'd like, but it's an awesome way to while away about an hour and a half, and not pay attention to anything else around you.  Here's my first two masterpieces.

After dialysis was a quick appointment with the kidney doc.  She gave me my golden ticket to steroids, but then also asked me about flu and pneumonia vaccines.  No, I haven't had any... ever.  Okay, while I'm at the pharmacy picking up prescriptions, get those shots, and delay starting the steroids for one more day, just to be sure I don't have any reactions.  She said usually you'd wait a week, but we've had to dink around long enough.

At the clinic and the doctor's they said we'd been doing so good on avoiding potassium that we were actually a little low, and we could sneak a little in now and again, so while waiting for my prescriptions to be filled and for vaccination time to start at the pharmacy, we went next door to the Mexican restaurant and I got to snack on some chips and salsa.  Mmm-mm-mmmm!!!!  So good!  Then I got a fajita beef sandwich with lots of lettuce on it.  If I can have something like that every month or so, I can be happy.

So we went back to the pharmacy for my shots.  She kept saying they would kind of hurt, but after you've been jabbed 3 times a day for 9 days straight in the hospital, trying to suck you dry of blood, a couple of shots in the arm don't matter at all.  Except they only do adult vaccinations at this pharmacy, and I just got plain old regular bandaids.

Finally it was time to go home, and Brad and I both crashed for naps.  No baseball game to keep us entertained tonight, so I'm going to start working on a Christmas project for a certain little guy.

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