Friday, October 7, 2016

Slight Change of Plans...

You  know how it goes... you have your travels all planned out, and then you get a whammy...

So I've been kind of blah, and finally went to the doctor to get things checked out.  After a couple of trial and error things, I was finally sent to get some tests done.  They came back saying they thought there was a problem with my gall bladder, and I was sent to the hospital to check that out.

After a little bit of studying my results, and me, I was told Nope, kidneys.  Your kidneys are not working at all, and a couple of results said I should be passed out, not able to communicate at all.

So here I am, in the hospital getting dialysis for a few days, hoping to jump start everything again.  They think this will probably do it.  I hope so.

Why or how did his happen?  No one knows.  But they are taking very good care of me.  I'll update when I know more.

Pictures... breakfast was pretty yummy.  The most I've eaten in at least a week.
Flowers Brad brought me.
Don't I look lovely with all my machines?


  1. I hope you are feeling better soon Janine xx

    Kelly Burge

  2. Wow, looks like space control central.
    hope the dialysis works a treat, if French toast hasn't already done so!
    Get better soon HUGES

  3. Feel better, you!

  4. Crap! I hope they can figure out what caused the kidney failure and fix it soon.

  5. Wow, I only recently started reading your blog and came today to see the health issues. Sorry for what's happened but that's life-- the unexpected. Hope it's all better soon

    1. Thank you. I hope it can return to travel fun soon.
