Saturday, October 22, 2016

Counting the Joys

Today's joys:

A full night's sleep, no waking up

Feeling relatively normal after I got up

Being able to wear a real pair of shorts, not oversized stretchy, because of the fluid that's been removed

My ankles are almost visible again

Hair washed

Being able to make my own breakfast

Taking a 1/3 mile walk around the park

Sitting outside enjoying the sunshine while Brad plays his guitar

Being able to wear my wedding ring again, because the swelling in my hands is down

Mike and Ike's candy... why have I never had these before??

Enough energy to make dinner from my new cookbook... Asian Chicken Satay and Rice with Herb Pesto.

Brad having time to do his hobby instead of doing so much for me today.

Friends stopping through for a couple of days on their way to the Gulf.

It was a really, really good day, probably the best I've had since getting out of the hospital.  I think we did just the right amount of things without overdoing it.


  1. Ahhh, looking much more yourself. I thought you'd managed to make a couple of plates of food, not a whole BBQ-full!
    All good stuff. You're both looking well.

    1. Haha! Yes, we did fill the whole grill! I was planning to make this for dinner for Brad and me, and then when we knew our friends were coming by, I just doubled the amount. Thank goodness Roberta was there to help me weave all the chicken strips onto the skewers!
