Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tuesday in Holcomb

While we're here in Holcomb visiting the Piha bunch, we stay out in our RV just because all our stuff is out here, and it's easier than hauling all our things inside.

This morning Brad and I were up and having our coffee, and we heard a knock on the door, and a little voice saying, "Hey!!  Hey!!"  I opened the door and there was Jackson.  A few seconds later, Abby was looking out the back door for the toddler who had escaped before she even realized he had gotten up.
He was sure Budger and Bo were already missing him!
We were busy this morning.  Jackson needed to watch some t-Rex videos.
Jackson and Papa Brad needed to wash Jackson's car.
Abby and I stained the pieces of Jackson's new "big boy" bed that Jordan built.
Jackson and I took Budger for a walk to the park.  We found a Holcomb policeman parked in the lot next to the park, and when we stopped to say hello, he gave Jackson a sticker badge.
Fun at the park!
Jackson was so proud that he figured out how to get this purple ball...
...out of Bo's toy.
More dino videos this afternoon while momma catches up on things in the house.
A little super-hero time
Some horse barn building
And some race car driving....
We finished up the day watching the Royals win, and eating some yummy burgers.  Gramma Neen and Papa Brad are tired!

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