Monday, February 1, 2016

Foggy morning!!

Wow, super foggy this morning!  We got out for an early beach walk again... 7:30 today, instead of 7:00 like yesterday.  We could tell all the weekend people had gone, or maybe it was the fog that kept people away early, but we were the only ones out on the beach.  Here was our view:
It was so foggy that we couldn't see the houses we use for landmarks to tell when to turn around.  Brad finally went up and walked right up next to the dunes, and still could barely see them.  We decided to turn around when he could see a house he didn't recognize.  I turned on my MapMyFitness app so I could see how far we walked back... Turns out we went about a half a mile further than usual. The air was so saturated that I had to wipe off my glasses every hundred yards or so, and both of us had soaking wet hair when we got back!  The fog had burned off a little at the end of our walk.

And it was a great morning for finding shells!
Just to show you how big these are... The one on the left is the largest one I've ever found here, and the one on the right is probably the coolest one.

We've been slowly making our way toward the western end of the island, where the bridge to Freeport is, on our bikes... Going 4-5 miles and turning back, then driving to where we last stopped and going 4-5 miles again.  Today we finally made it to the end.  It's funny... The sand out there is way whiter and softer than it is here in the middle of the island.  It got hard to ride on in places.

And here's something you don't see everyday on the beach:
Yep, a possum.
He was sleeping, but woke up when I hollered to Brad, "Stop!  I have to get a picture of this!"

Someone was very ambitious on this sand castle:
Here we are... Made it to the western end of the island. You can see the bridge to Freeport in the background.
Looking back east.
We'll just be relaxing the rest of the evening!

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